Good-bye Kits
It's been a long three weeks since I've played with my camera, sat down to edit, or wrote a blog post. The effects of this creativity drought rippled through my life as I felt like a zombie and that something was desperately missing from my routine. Where have I been? Mike and I made a big leap forward in our relationship and in life - we got mortgaged. The past month of our lives has been a mixed bag of excitement and the most real exhaustion I've felt in my life. Days were filled with work, prep, and lessons and the evenings were jam packed with uprooting our home and moving. Now, we have settled into our new house in Burnaby where many photo walks are waiting to happen as I search for new locations and explore the neighbourhood. During the move, I had requirement. I needed to walk around the neighbourhood, alone, and let it all sink in. Despite mile long to do lists, Mike made sure I had this quiet moment to myself. I decided not to shoot the beach, the seawall, or everything that I can simply look up on Google when I miss Kitsilano. Instead, I went for the details. The flowers and greenery that makes this neighbourhood feel so homey. These were always my favourite part of the walks anyway.
It's been a great two and a half years in the Kits 'hood and many memories were created - the day we picked up Charlie, the night I barely slept in anticipation of Lucianna Elle, and countless evenings of mayhem. But all great things must come to an end. Here's to new beginnings and exciting new adventures!
xx J