Family First

I was incredibly lucky to spend a few days before Christmas in Calgary with my wonderful family. It had been over a year since I'd been back to my second home, but not much has changed. This trip, I spent an insane amount of time with Jeff - who was my confidant, #1 supporter, and most of all, my driver. Big love to him for making me laugh so hard I could cry.

This year marked the first time I visited a few family staples. Pam took me to Fine Diner where were sipped on mid-day mimosas and ate the most amazing bacon of my life.

Then, I got to meet her long time friends, Vanessa and Mark, who welcomed us into their home for chicharron, shrimp crackers, drinks, and games. Though some may call this kind of night in 'lame', it was perfect to me! (Especially perfect for Jeff and Mark)

Sunday Family day marked the most eating I have ever experienced in 24 hours. It started with dim sum with the family, which was every bit tasty as I hoped, followed by Village Ice Cream, Peter's Drive In, and Pizza.

The peak of the trip was going to Zoo Lights with all of the cousins. Having everyone together in one place, though it was hectic, is all I could ask for. A few moments with little nieces and nephews so that I can have snapshots of their childhood in my mind and conversations with cousins I haven't seen in ages makes me smile wide.

Thank you to all the family for making this trip what it was. It was the perfect break from work life and an infusion of excitement in my passion projects. Special thanks to Tito Oyie, Tita Florence, and Ate Faye for making it possible for me to come out and enjoy the Josue Calgary life.

Until next time ...

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